Financing & Fundraising for your Startup – RevUP Winter 2018

2018-03-08T14:38:11-05:00March 8th, 2018|Categories: |Tags: |

A basic challenge startup entrepreneurs often face is that they don’t really know how much to raise and what options to consider, when it comes to financing their startup. This workshop will be focused on managing the financials for your startup. You will learn the various options for financing your startup and provide you with a [...]

Pitching for your Startup – RevUP Winter 2018

2018-03-08T14:29:58-05:00March 8th, 2018|Categories: |Tags: |

Entrepreneurs need to be able to pitch their startups: for face-to-face events, or a sales pitch to a prospective customer or a pitch to investors to access funding. Also, they need to do it effectively and successfully. In this workshop, you will learn how to pitch your startup communicate its value proposition effectively. Facilitator: Aiko Thurlow [...]

Entrepreneur’s Approach to User Experience Design & Product Development – RevUP Winter 2018

2018-03-08T14:15:11-05:00March 8th, 2018|Categories: |Tags: , |

The key questions for entrepreneurs setting out to create a business are "Should this product/service be built?" and "Can we build a sustainable business around this set of products/services?" Once you have answered these questions, the next question is often "How can this product be built?" The first step towards implementation is developing a prototype or [...]

LaunchYU: A New Opportunity for Entrepreneurs

2015-01-20T14:32:44-05:00January 20th, 2015|Categories: Community, Events|Tags: |

York University & Innovation York are excited to formally launch a new entrepreneurship program: LaunchYU. The program is designed to assist entrepreneurs in creating and growing their startups into sustainable business ventures. · LaunchYU will provide series of workshops, networking events and various opportunities throughout the academic year. · LaunchYU will also run two 10-week accelerator [...]

Swain Porter, Founder/CEO, FEV Analytics & Founder/CEO, Catalytic Services

2014-03-10T14:05:41-04:00March 10th, 2014|Categories: Community|Tags: , , |

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Geeks: Adventures in Entrepreneurship Monday, March 24 from 5:30 pm-6:55 pm Schulich School, Room W132 At age 34, after a series of entrepreneurial ventures and work at Microsoft, Swain Porter decided to found a high-end, low-cost software development company in India. His experiences there led a Wall Street Journal reporter [...]

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