On Sunday, February 19th, a group of four Schulich undergrads will head to Montreal to represent Schulich at the John Molson Undergraduate Case Competition (JMUCC). The team is comprised of Alexandria Zamora (BBA 2017), Daniel Gary (BBA 2017), Artem Sushko (iBBA 2018), and Sarah Borairi (BBA 2019). Head of the Schulich i/BBA Case Competition Preparation Program, Jane-Michèle Clark, will accompany the team as Faculty Advisor.

jmuccJMUCC is a week-long competition hosted by the the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University in Montreal. Over the course of the week, the team will compete in three 3-hour cases, and one 24-hour case, with the goal of taking home gold. JMUCC hosts 24 universities from around the globe, with delegates coming from as far away as Australia, Bangladesh, and Germany. A full list of competing schools is available here. 2017 marks the first time that the Schulich School of Business has been invited to take part in this competition, and we wish our team the very best of luck.

To keep up to date on the team’s journey, add SchulichSchool on Snapchat, as Alex Zamora will be snapping the team’s successes throughout the week!