Exam season is upon us!

For students who miss an exam due to illness, please note the following guidelines to be approved for a deferred exam.

1.  Email your instructor and ‘cc’ undergrad@schulich.yorku.ca  within 24 hours of missing an exam.

2.  Submit the following original forms within 48 hours in person to the UPU (W263G):

3.  The UPU will then notify your instructor and cc you by email if appropriate documentation has been received.

4.  A deferred exam date will be communicated by the instructor (or area) after the original exam has taken place. Deferred exam dates are scheduled by the instructor and not at the request of the student. All attempts will be made to hold a deferred exam as soon as possible.

Please refer to pg. 26-27 of the Undergraduate Academic Handbook (found on your MySchulich Portal) for the accommodations policy and other information about exam regulations.