Are you ready to take the next steps in your future?  On November 30th, you can!


Join current students, alumni, faculty and the Admissions and Recruitment team at Experience Schulich to learn more about Schulich’s specialized Master’s programs – Master of Accounting, Master of Finance and Master of Business Analytics and how they can prepare you for a career in demand. There is no work experience required as a pre-requisite for these degrees. It is a perfect addition to your undergraduate business education that will set you apart from the crowd.
Check out the MBAblog for ‘Feature Posts’ that will highlight each of the programs. Each post will share something interesting about the program of the week and give you some insight into why we’re all so excited about these new programs.
Already decided that this is an event you don’t want to miss? Then register here.

For questions, please feel free to send an e-mail to
Our team is looking forward to seeing you there!

Graduate Admissions