What is Academic Honesty & why should I care?

2013-10-08T09:00:57-04:00October 8th, 2013|Categories: Academics|Tags: , , , |

You’ve probably heard the term “academic honesty” in your orientation, on course outlines, and in the many emails you have received so far. So when it comes right down to it, what does it actually mean? Simply put, academic honesty is about integrity – the integrity of your work, your degree and the greater institution.  As [...]

Important Policy Changes

2013-08-20T08:00:44-04:00August 20th, 2013|Categories: Academics|Tags: , , , , |

Over the past year we revised several Schulich policies that will impact you in the coming year. To make your transition into September easier, we have highlighted these key changes below. [box]Exchange: All academic courses successfully completed on exchange can now be transferred to the Schulich degree as either a business or non-business elective, language study [...]

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