Today, in honour of Bell Let’s Talk Day, we wanted to direct you to some events and support units on campus where you can participate actively in the conversation about mental health and wellbeing on campus and in the wider community.

Click here to learn more about York University’s commitment to mental health and to see York community members’ creative interpretations of what mental health and wellness looks like to them.

Join in live chats taking place on Twitter throughout the day by following hashtags: #BellLetsTalk and #LetsTalkYU.

Don’t miss events happening on campus, including Puppy Palooza: Wellness Wednesday with therapy dogs in the Scott Library atrium and Red Zone.

As a reminder, the Counseling & Disability Services Centre in the Bennett Centre provides a range of services including personal counseling, group development workshops, learning skills training, support and academic accommodation for students with learning, mental health, physical, sensory and medical disabilities. These services are offered free of charge to all York University Students.

Below are a few key resources that may be helpful to those in need of support.

We also encourage you to reach out to Student Services & International Relations if you have any questions or concerns. We’re here to help. Let’s talk!